Meditation whithin the City Mindfulness/ Mindfulness

Meditation in the spirit of Zen – Personal development workshops

Versailles – Le Chesnay – Paris

Other location on request

« It’s not so much getting to the top of the mountain that matters, it is once you get there, keep going, keep going, keep climbing! »

Why meditation ?

« Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally  ».

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Meditation is first of all about stopping and taking a break. It is to stop speaking and settle into a stable posture. For some of us, this is a real challenge! We all have busy schedules in a busy world!

Let’s take a few moments to stop and be in silent within ourselves. What are we noticing right now? Are we aware of our body? Of our breathing? Let’s stay a few moments in this inner silence, let go of our thoughts without clinging to them!

One of the main goals of the method is to learn how to be more fully aware and present in every moment of our life. The good news is that it makes life more enjoyable, interesting and intense, and also more fulfilling.

Secular meditation according to the protocol of the Stress Reduction Clinic of the University of Medicine of Massachusetts created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Massachusetts, PhD MIT with Salvador Luria, winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This meditation is implemented in more than 1,200 hospitals and clinics around the world (around forty in France including the Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris) and the benefits of which have been recognized by scientific studies; Over 700 studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as The Lancet, Nature etc.


  • In Versailles, in Le Chesnay but also in Paris, the workshops are led by Veronique.
  • Veronique is qualified by ADM – Association for the Development of Mindfulness – to give training through Zoom. After reluctance on the part of the animators – amoung them, Veronique… -, we had to admit it: the people who followed the animation by Zoom were also very satisfied!

What we offer:

  • Free evenings of initiation to meditation.
    • Once per quarter. On registration.
  • Practice and training for meditation.
    • Time for discovering your body and mind.
    • At each session you will be offered new exercises, individual exercises or to share with other practitioners.
  • La formation MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction ou Réduction du stress par la pleine conscience.
    • Jon Kabat-Zinn’s learning programme of Mindfulness (Christophe Andre in France) in 8 weeks (at the rate of one evening or morning per week) to enter into the practice of meditation and reduce stress. You will be provided with a practice books and recordings.
    • These workshops are regularly offered in Le Chesnay, Versailles, Paris. (More details).
  • Days of mindfulness.
    • Practice days in groups and in silence
  • Meditation workshops for children and young adolescents.
    • Develop caring, benevolence, well-being, learning and citizenship, from an early age.
  • Time off, time of retreat.
  • Personal and interpersonal development workshops.
    • To develop oneself as a whole person
    • To find your professional or societal identity.

And also:

  • Meditation in the spirit of Zen.
    • On the path to Zen in an inter-spiritual place.
    • The first Monday of the month from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Versailles. More details

Your teachers /instructors

Veronique Cheynet-Cluzel


Meditation, mindfulness days, workshops, trainings and retreats (Le Chesnay, Versailles, Paris, other places). Coach for institutions and companies, supervisor of coaches, qualified Mindfulness Teacher, Veronique also leads a meditation group in the spirit of Zen which was transmitted to her by a German hermit who had been sent to Japan and stayed with Karlfried Durckheim.

Having practiced meditation for about three decades, Veronique spent some time in China in the early 1980s, did many meditation trainings and retreats including in Asia and with spiritual leaders, and studied the Buddhist and Taoist classics in the text. All the sessions combined, she spent over half a year in retreats, most of the time in silence.

Veronique teaches for various courses and conferences including in Masters 2 for Leadership and Emotional Intelligence at IGS – Institute of Social Management, HR benchmark school – and for the coaching one where she integrates Mindfulness at the University of Aix-Marseille. Trained to the transmission of the MBSR program by the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts (CFM), she is committed to contributing to the development of the people she supports.

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More details / Training steps

Trained by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Florence Meleo-Meyer, Saki Santorelli and others, she has also made multiple retreats with Martin Aylward, Charles Genou, zen retreats at La Gendronnière – the largest Zen center in Europe – and recently with Master Hozumi Roshi and several other spiritual masters and teachers, especially for meditation in the spirit of Zen. These experiences xhil helped her to build herself have been supplemented by various coaching and personal development trainings.

  • CNV (NonViolent Communication) according to the Marshall Rosenberg process, 30 days of training including 10 in IIT – International Intensive Training, June 2007, Spa, Belgium with Marshall Rosenberg.
  • Practicum in MBSR – The fundamentals for teaching MBSR. Carry-le-Rouet 2015 with Florence Meleo Meyer.
  • Practicum – Les fondamentaux pour enseigner le MBSR. Carry-le-Rouet 2015 avec Florence Meleo Meyer. 
  • Mindulness Tools program. 2015. Beijing with Florence Meleo Meyer and Dr. Bob Stahl. 
  • MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine. Notwil Switzerland 2015 with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli.
  • Analysis of the MBI-TAC tool – The Mindfulness-Based Interventions – Teaching Assessment Criteria of the Universities of Bangor, Exeter and Oxford Criteria for the evaluation of the teaching of mindfulness-based interventions, 2016 Paris with Rebecca Crane. 

With Jon Kabat-Zinn, during a training

Veronique also has 30 years of Taijiquan practice. Here with Master Wang. 王 延年, Wáng Yánnián at the end of the 80s.

In Le Chesnay, with

Barbara Foucault

Meditation for children and young adolescents (Le Chesnay). Psychologist in the national education system and working with children, adolescents and families, Barbara Foucault has followed several mindfulness meditation courses (initiation course then M.B.S.R. training with Veronique) before becoming an instructor for children and adolescents. Barbara trained with the Association for Meditation in Teaching (Association pour la Méditation dans l’Enseignement – A.M.E), an association that sets up and distributes secular meditation programs in schools, from kindergarten to higher education.

Barbara also trains teachers and educators who wish to spread the P.E.A.C.E program (Présence, Ecoute, Attention et Concentration dans l’Enseignement – Presence, Listening, Attention and Concentration in Teaching), with the A.M.E. and Mindful Education.

Coming soon: Maëva Laffontan

Naturopathy or how to preserve your health and well-being


Introduction to meditation

Free introductory meditation evenings. Once per trimester. On registration.

Treat yourself to some meditation time, practice and training, learn to explore your body and your mind. During each session you will be offered new exercises, individual exercises or to share with other practitioners.

MBSR training

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, an eight weeks program – one morning or evening per week – to get into meditation practice and manage stress. Jon Kabat-Zinn’s program (Christophe Andre in France). A practice book and recordings will be provided. These workshops are regularly offered in Le Chesnay, Versailles, Paris and Lisbon.

In Versailles, in Le Chesnay, workshops led by Veronique.

Meditation workshops for children and young adolescents

In Le Chesnay, on Wednesdays with Barbara Foucault, national education psychologist, Meditation for young adolescents and children. To develop caring, kindness, well-being, learning and citizenship, from an early age.


Personal development workshops

To develop your skills, to get to know yourself better, to find your place, your professional and societal identity, to be fully yourself. In this context, we offer in particular our famous workshop that we have been running since 2012, including in town hall and even in Beijing:

 « Emergence of the professional / societal identity and the work of its emotional intelligence – Working time linked to creativity » 

Other workshops

Do not hesitate to consult our calendar, you will find other self-knowledge workshops there.

Other teachers intervene according to our programs. Soon in naturopathy with Maëva Laffontan.

Workshops for businesses and institutions – Visit our business workshops section

Meditation in the spirit of Zen

Meditation group in the spirit of Zen and the line with Karlfried Graf Dürckheim.

This group was created by the German Benedictine hermit, Reginald Stoffel, who had been sent to Japan and asked Veronique before he died to take it over.

We meet on the first Monday of the month at Center Huit (Versailles), an ecumenical and inter-spiritual center for a time of sharing and meditation in the spirit of Zen.

Zoom on…

MBSR training

During the training, you will be given

  • Recordings of guided meditations according to the protocol of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Medicine of Massachusetts created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor emeritus of medicine and creator of MBSR and CFM – Center For Mindfulness – , PhD MIT with Salvador Luria, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine.
  • An exercise booklet to guide you during each session.

MBSR – Media coverage

Several reports have been broadcast on this secular meditation implemented in more than 1,200 hospitals and clinics around the world (around forty in France, including Sainte Anne Hospital in Paris), the benefits of which have been recognized by scientific studies.

France 2 TV News 8 p.m. David Pujadas

« Meditation is spreading in France »

TF1 TV News 8 p.m.

With the intervention of Christophe André, a psychiatrist who introduced meditation in French hospital (Toulouse then Saint-Anne in Paris), currently present in around forty French establishments.

France 2, TV show « Tout compte fait »

« Meditation, when we need to say stop »

Meditation in the spirit of Zen:

Meditation in the spirit of Zen in Versailles, group Meditation within the city

Evenings for those who want to enter the path of meditation in a spiritual context.

At Center Huit, every first Monday of the month with some exceptions, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Meditation in the context of full presence and integral being on the spiritual

  • Attention to the present moment
  • To be in full connection with oneself and others
  • A group that wants to bring everyone further than where they were before
  • A long tradition that brings today’s participants to life with what has been received for centuries
  • In the search for what goes beyond
  • An open group with an interiority approach
  • From the inside look, find the essential
  • Based on what participants are looking for or what they have sometimes already felt
  • Let’s go together on the path of interiority, through breathing, through silence

Other Meditation groups in the spirit of Zen

Other meditation groups in the spirit of Zen exist in France:

All of these Meditation groups in the Spirit of Zen were created by members of MID – Monastic Interreligious Dialogue – who had been sent to Japan.

Reginald Stoffel

Brother Reginald Stoffel created the Atelier de Paix group, a group of meditation in the spirit of Zen, after having been sent to Japan.

Reginald had built himself a small hermitage for himself in the park of Claire Demeure (palliative care home) in which he was a part-time nurse, to make a living.

“To be inside a reality and carry that reality from within.”

Reginald Stoffel, ob, translated from English The Way of Paradox: Spiritual Life as Taught by Meister Eckhart by Cyprian Smith

Our locations

Come and discover, learn or practice meditation in the Chesnay premises of Association Meditation en Yvelines (the Yvelines Meditation Association), We’ll be happy to welcome you there.

Where ?

  • Paris – Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
  • Versailles Rive Droite
  • Le Chesnay – Le Chesnay cultural center, in the heart of Parly II. In a room dedicated to your meditation sessions within the framework of the Yvelines Meditation Association.
  • With Zoom and therefore wherever you are!
  • Or, in a new place chosen with you if you are an established group.
The sessions take place in the evening or during the day. Contact us for schedules.

Our MBSR sessions are open to everyone and everyone comes with what they are.

Feedback from participants in our trainings and workshops


I found the group wonderful. Everyone’s benevolence has benefited everyone and allowed me to gain confidence. It’s true that it’s not easy to reveal yourself! Your attention to everyone has been so important to me. Always the right word, calmly and quietly said, proposals made with so much kindness and delicacy that my shyness has subsided.


This new MBSR universe allows me to refocus on my activities and my relationships with the outside world. We were filled through this group with such intensity of respect, listening, benevolence, trust, sharing … Values ​​that we can tend to forget in the whirlwind of our crazy days. Ultimately, it gives us real freedom.


A benevolent dive into welcoming oneself and others.

Softness – tranquility – deep presence.


Time for yourself, to enter into yourself and live in the present moment.
Veronique was a guide for me, very caring, calming and full of resources and tools to help us.


Discover the richness and the value of your body, to be yourself.
Benevolence – Confidence – Sweetness – A real guide.


Everyone should do this training.

Personal feedback after speaking. Useful advice.

Thank you.


Learning a discipline of life in a quality and benevolent environment. Both a confirmed coach and a “spiritual master” by her long-standing practice and her knowledge.


It is good to take care of yourself. Thank you !


The feeling of joining and tasting a haven of peace every Wednesday evening.


“Reflective and openness adventure”; “Beautiful journey of inner exploration and mindfulness into the beauty of life.”
Master of process and time, reassuring, attentive, expertise – very benevolent.


“A path to my inner gold”.
Fundamental in animation, in addition to guiding. Very valuable, the “reactions”, “twists” or “additions” compared to others or times of our sharing


Live the present moment!
Very easy contact with you. Your listening and your kindness. You were able to put everyone at ease. Well done !


A training for oneself, to choose to do at the right time, without expecting any radical changes and being aware that this will go through efforts and difficulties.
Decisive. I really enjoyed the sharing, the simplicity, the gradation in the difficulty of the exercises. Thank you.


Mindfulness mediation allows to better identify your bodily sensations, which allows to experience moments of deep calm.
Very good guide. Knows how to hold her framework, and a favorable climate! The exchange. Great practice of meditation that she shared with us.


This workshop gave me a lot, allowed me to reveal skills, to become aware of them. It allowed me to see more concretely the path that I will take professionally. Human encounter, sharing, very strong exchanges both with the facilitator and the other participants.

We welcome all profiles

Many people without profession, many executives who have a position in companies or in institutions, family fathers and mothers.

Medical professions

Several Doctors, nurses, pharmacists; Many psychologists and therapists; Hypnosis practitioners, relaxologists, sophrologists, Kinesiologist, educators, speech therapists …

Bring meditation into your company

Managers and team leaders then entrusted us with professional services

Our MBSR sessions are open to all



Contact us

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