Mindfulness meditation in companies

Qualified Teachers – Company experts

Photo credit :  Clémence Hérout

Accomplitude supports your teams with mindfulness and emotional intelligence to generate appeasement, attention and better relationships.

Meditating in companies, what for?

  • Meditation develops awareness and attention
  • To develop relational intelligence
  • Meetings are shorter because participants are more focused
  • To learn to develop a conscious posture
  • To learn to respond rather than react
  • To pay attention to being, interpersonal skills, and the achievement of one’s goals

Based on the most advanced discoveries in neurosciences, on the practice of meditation and the emotional transformation tools, in the form of seminars or workshops, meditation makes it possible to prepare the conditions for greater transparency to the being (definition of Karlfried Graf Durckheim).

The meditation instructor: Veronique Cheynet-Cluzel

  •  Qualified instructor (CFM – Center for Mindfulness at MIT & Brown University) with extensive experience in corporate and institutional environments.
  • Intervention and group management processes are tailored to the specific needs of corporate groups, teams, or individuals.
  • Instructors with a long daily practice of meditation – often several decades.
  • Expertise in change management and emotional intelligence.
  • Over 100 hours of training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), including 10 days with Marshall Rosenberg.
  • Contributed to introducing the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program by Chade Meng-Tan, a pioneer in corporate mindfulness, to France.
  • Leads Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs and organized a conference-workshop for 600 managers at the Palais Brongniart in 2014.

Our offers

In workshops or during your seminars

We have extensive experience in creating workshops for large groups, banks, in Asia, and for SMEs,
Face-to-face training but also through digital tools.


Complete MBSR course

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: through personalized courses, we provide your teams with keys to stress reduction through mindfulness meditation.


Workshops-conferences and conferences

A taste of Zen

Vexations, opposites, paradoxes, images and tipping points.

Some experiences

Eye Tracking / LUTIN study

As a long-time meditator, Veronique, participated in the Eye tracking study at the Cognitive Psychology Research Laboratory, at the LUTIN UserLab at EPHE / City of Sciences / Lutin UserLab, an experiment aimed at identifying physiological markers of meditation with reputed “expert” meditators.

The Userlab LUTIN (Label FED 4246) « Laboratoire des Usages en Techniques d’information Numériques » is a living lab dedicated to the study of the uses of new technologies in the   academic research context.

The Mindful Nation UK report

Veronique Cheynet-Cluzel is here with British MP Chris Ruane, at the initiative of the Mindful Nation UK report, Report by the Mindfuness All-Party – Parliamentary Group. 

A group of 114 British parliamentarians from all political parties followed the MBSR program and called for Mindfulness to be introduced in prisons, education, hospitals and businesses.

In France, we organized a meditation session for hundreds of female elected representatives.

Meditation within the City

Meditation in the spirit of Zen


You are interested in personal development workshops?

Discover your real and deep professional identity

Discovering oneself and acquiring self-knowledge and interrelationships tools.

MBSR training and meditation practice time

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Regularly organized workshops


Interested in meditation as an individual?

Presence & Accomplitude


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