Inter-companies Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

Workshops / Practice Evenings – BeInspired@work

Whether you are already a meditation practitioner or a beginner, come and experience during a workshop the practice of meditation and use the Intelligence of your emotions while meeting other participants from the business and the institutional world.


Workshops led by Veronique Cheynet-Cluzel and organized by Laurence Donati

Passionate about mindfulness, Laurence Donati participated in the Leadership and Mindfulness workshops of the women’s network of her company Elles de Neuflize OBC led by Veronique and suggested to continue by opening up to other companies.

Véronique and Laurence continue their collaboration with a regular series of inter-company workshop evenings BeInspired@work

In 2018 and 2019, Veronique had the opportunity to make meditate hundreds of elected officials women.

She also co-organized with Anne-Sophie Dubanton, Charlotte Borch and ADM – Association du Développement de la Mindfulness-, the conference-workshop at the Palais Brongniart – historical Paris stock exchange -, an evening with the French monk Matthieu Ricard and Chade Meng Tan who, in front of 600 people from the business world, interacted at the occasion of the release in France in 2014 of Meng’s book “Search Inside Yourself”; Meng is the engineer who introduced mindfulness to Google and created the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program – Well-Being at the workplace, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership – and the press received a lot of coverage from the evening. With Anne-Sophie, herself SIY certified, Veronique organized the first seminars of this program in France.

Twitter: @BeInspiredWork

Register for the next BeInspired@work workshop:

« Since I started practicing meditation, I have seen how my interactions with others and my way of reacting to stress were modified, and I was able to develop a greater capacity for listening, an openness toward more innovation and spirit of initiative, an ability to welcome new situations with hindsight and in a more positive way, in short, a new state of being accompanies me on a daily basis »;

«… because of her authenticity, her experience, her practice of women’s groups and her roots in the business world, the workshops organized in my company by Veronique were a real success ».

Laurence Donati

Elles de Neuflize OBC (OBC Neuflize Women’s Network in France)

Our Offers

Twice a quarter, two-hour evenings in Paris VIII, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.


To take the time

Say stop to your stress and your reactivity

Experiment meditation and emotional intelligence

Taste the present moment, and ...

Reconnect to yourself and to others!

With new practices at each workshop




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