Individual coaching – Choosing a coaching with Presence & Accomplitude


Managing Directors, managers, executives. Individuals with professional objectives.

Why coaching?

Enormous needs arise while few or non-core demands emerge and are formulated.

Generally speaking, the organization of society and in particular the company at the beginning of the 21st century, in a context of powerful changes (according to   philosopher Michel Serres, they were said to be as important as during the Neolithic revolution), are looking for governance benchmarks.

Coaching allows to identify the deepest needs, to become aware of them and proposes to set up methodologies for a greater satisfaction and a real development of the person.

It is a question of preparing the conditions for greater transparency to the being of capacity and to make the leader author (“who has authority over”).

Not so much why coaching but coaching for what?

“Your future awaits you”, let us help you to shape it

  • Coaching will help the coachee clarify the needs he or she has a hunch for, and  sometimes during a preliminary interview, a request will emerge that is more important than the initial one. The sessions will enable the coachee to make progress towards important and personal goals. It is the coach who will help the coachee define them in a satisfactory way during an interview before the coaching. Once these objectives have been validated between the coachee, the coach, and the professional environment of the coachee – generally a manager in his hierarchy – The coaching will consist in revealing the obstacles that hinder, to untie them, to do a work to act differently with the tools the coach will use and to act from other pre-existing resources the coachee has but also to develop these resources. The coachee will find more satisfaction with herself or himself and with her or his environment which itself will perceive changes in attitude, and in the way of doing and communicating.


  • An integrative work, which makes the person act in all his/her dimensions in his/her own fields – cognitive, bodily and emotional – by giving room to bodily, emotional and relational intelligence and developing it.

Our Offers

Each case study is contextualized and dealt with as unique; however, a general framework of procedure emerges:

Identify, name and map the needs with the coachee.


Fair requests, / restrictive or demanding if necessary, but understood, validated and acceptable.

Implementing growth objectives and challenges.


Work in sessions, often to use appropriate communication skills and achieving goals.

Words that resonate in the process:

A hell of a job, but a mighty challenge.



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