Expertise and references
Discover our references
About us
We regularly take part in managerial coaching, in Emotional intelligence training workshops, and in seminars. We lead mediation groups (some of 500 people by occasionally taking part in a symposium or training) in workshops and / or lectures.
Among others, we have coached international conductors who perform in prestigious venues around the world, communication managers for institutional sites, law firms, leaders of Grandes Ecoles, support for other consultants, etc.

Some of our clients
Our referents
You would like to contact a leader, a manager with whom we have worked, do not hesitate to ask us – Business advisers will be able to talk to you about their experience with our teams.
In individual coaching in connection with the hierarchy and HR
With local staff or, impatriates and expatriates
In training workshops and seminars:
- All the themes of our specificities
- Emotional intelligence and Leadership
- Stress management
- Connection to oneself, connection in the relationship and to the others
- Conscious communication
- Mindfulness training and comfort zones.
- Your seminars
- Cognition-psyche-body-global intelligence oriented days (Interventions on these themes in Masters 2)
- On request

Conferences – Some interventions:
- Meditation for 500 elected women (Find out more)
- Organization of Chade Meng-Tan conference-workshop at Palais Brongniart. (Learn more)
- Establishment of the first SIY – Search Inside Yourself Program in Europe. In the first workshop: 160 participants from large European companies from 21 countries.
- Leadership and emotional intelligence workshops in large companies or small teams.
We have coached in Europe, Asia and have also intervened on an ad hoc basis for the Middle East and the United States. With a strong specificity for China.
And for many other nationalities: German, English, Italian, Moroccan, Indonesian etc.
Contact us
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